Royal Mail “Iconic Vehicles” collection

The Royal Mint have just released a set of four coins based on the Iconic Vehicles of Star Wars.

The set of four coins has images of the ships that appeared in Star Wars: A New Hope. The first coin is the Millennium Falcon and there are a few versions.

The set is available as a high relief or a colour version. Both are quite lovely, i think. The coins come with a little booklet, which i think is quite nice. I like the fact that the painted version comes with a slightly different booket.

There is also a silver proof version of the 50p coin that is ready to display.

The gold and silver proof coints are more expensive and come in a very attractive display box. I’d love to invest in these, but alas, they are far too rich for my wallet. I think i can afford one of the 2oz silver coins as it’ll display nicely next to my shaped coin from the New Zealand Mint that i have.

These come with a beautiful display case, too. Mintage for each one is:

The brilliant coin is only £12 and appears to be unlimited.
The colour coin is £21 with a maximum mintage of 20, 010 coins.
The silver proof 50p coin is £71 and limited to 7500
The 1oz Silver coin is £103.50 and limited to 3000
The 2oz Silver coin is £195 and limited to 500
The 5oz Silver coin is £487.50 and limited to 200
The 1/4 oz Gold coin is £750 and limited to 250
The Gold 50p coin is £1220 and limited to 100
The 1oz gold coin is £2770 and limited to 100.

If you pre-order the set, you get free shipping, but i’ll only get the Millennium Falcon.

About mffanrodders

A long time Science Fiction fan and Star Wars collector, my collection focus has taken a turn towards Han Solo's iconic Star Ship and I thought that i'd start this blog to keep track of my collection of Millennium Falcon related stuff as i progress.
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